Ways to Support Your Historical Society
There are many ways to support the California Law Enforcement Historical Society, like membership dues, in kind contributions, and grants. An easy way to help is through a cash donation.
A cash donation makes it possible to take the California Police Museum to various venues up and down the state, continue to publish the California Police Historian, and to host the annual Collector’s Show in San Luis Obispo.
You can donate online at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page, there is a black and yellow Donate button below the page listings. CLICK HERE to a make a safe and secure donation in any amount through PayPal. All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS page which is also found on the right margin.
Another way to support the Historical Society is by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to the Historical Society.
You can also create a birthday fundraiser on Facebook with all donations going to support CLEHS. CLICK HERE for information on this program.
Thank you for supporting the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
2019 Donations to the CLEHS
The CLEHS is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that receives no government support or assistance and is entirely supported by membership dues and cash donations.
The Board of Directors thanks the following members and organizations for donations in 2019: Amazon Smile $25, Birthday donations 806, Brian Smith 225, James Bearg 100, Joel Blumenthal 40, Mike Lynch 225, Nick Kanaya 100, Phil Colonnelli 100, Randy Grago 100, Scott Warnock 25, Sheriff’s Day at the Ranch 85.
You can donate online at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page, there is a black and yellow Donate button below the page listings. CLICK HERE to a make a safe and secure donation in any amount through PayPal. All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS page which is also found on the right margin.
Year-End Donation
As we approach the year-end, will join us in making a tax-deductible gift to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society in the amount that is right for you and your family.
Your donation makes it possible to take the California Police Museum to various venues, publish the Society’s newsletter California Police Historian with PCNews, and to host the annual Collector’s Show in San Luis Obispo.
You can donate online at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page, there is a black and yellow Donate button below the page listings. Click on the button to a make a safe and secure donation in any amount through PayPal.
All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS page which is also found on the right margin.
Thank you for supporting the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
2020 Membership Renewal
Have you renewed your 2020 membership in the California Law Enforcement Historical Society? If not, please take a moment to renew your membership with a payment of $40.00 for one year or $400.00 for a life membership!
To renew on-line, click on the Membership tab on the right margin.
To renew by mail, send a check to:
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
Thanks again to CLEHS members for your generous support. Hope you will take this opportunity to renew so you can continue the benefits of membership.
BOL Missing Badge
CLEHS Lifetime member Scott Welch reports his retirement badge is missing.
It is a seven point, full size, sterling silver, hand engraved, Ed Jones badge. On the front is RETIRED/SERGEANT/FOSTER CITY/15 CALIF/POLICE. A report is on file with the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, case number 19-07764.
This was Scott’s retirement badge after 33 years in law enforcement and he would very much like to get it back. Any information, contact Scott Welch at 650 743 3996.
Thank you for any assistance in this matter.
Change of Address
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society has consolidated all written communications to a single Post Office Box. The original society box in Pismo Beach has been closed in an effort to streamline information flow and reduce unnecessary costs. Effective immediately, all correspondence to the CLEHS will be at the below address. Thank you all for your understanding of this change.
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P.O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
Board of Directors Election Results
An election was held to elect five members to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society Board of Directors for the 2019 – 2021 term. The following five members were elected for the 2019-2021 term, which began on July 1, 2019
Gary Hoving – President
Brian Smith – Secretary/Treasurer
Ian Parkinson – Director
Keith Bushey – Director
Mark Bray – Director
The Board also appointed four Regional Directors for the 2017-2019 term:
Mike DeVilbiss – Director, Northern
Brad Darling – Director, Central
Dean Hileman – Director, Central
Ray Sherrard – Director, Southern
Board of Directors Election, 2019 – 2021 Term
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is governed by a nine member, volunteer, Board of Directors, who meet annually, to set policy for the Society.
The Board of Directors consists of five elected at large Directors and four appointed Directors who represent specific areas of the state, Northern, Central, Central Coast, and Southern.
It is election time and nominations for the five elected at large Directors, 2019 – 2021 Term, are now being accepted.
Eligible members that would like to serve on the Board, or nominate others to serve, are asked to submit their nomination in writing, by April 15, 2019, to:
Brian Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
You can also email your nomination to Brian
After nominations are received and validated, a ballot will be sent to all eligible members by May 1, 2019. Please note: Article 12, Section 1, of the CLEHS By-laws do not allow Associate or Corporate members to vote, therefore, no ballot will be sent to those members.
In order for your vote to count, completed ballots must be returned no later than June 1, 2019. Election results will be announced in July 2019.
2018 Donations
The CLEHS is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that receives no government support or assistance and is entirely supported by membership dues and cash donations.
The Board of Directors thanks the following members and organizations for donations in 2018: Amazon Smile $25, Barbara Campbell $25, Birthday donation $375, Brian Smith $300, Gary Hoving $500, James Baerg $100, Mark Simens $5,000, Mike Lynch $300, Nick Kanaya $100, Phil Colonnelli $100, Sheriff’s Day at the Ranch $86.
You can make a tax-deductible gift to the CLEHS on-line at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page there is a black and yellow Donate button below the page listings. Click on the Donate button to a make a safe and secure donation through PayPal.
2019 Membership Renewal
Have you renewed your 2019 membership in the California Law Enforcement Historical Society? If not, please take a moment to renew your membership with a payment of $40.00 for one year or $400.00 for a life membership!
To renew on-line, click on the Membership tab on the right margin.
To renew by mail, send a check to:
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
There are many ways to support the California Law Enforcement Historical Society, like membership dues, cash donations, in kind contributions, and grants.
Another easy way to support the Historical Society is by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a small percentage of sales to the Historical Society. Next time you shop on Amazon check out AmazonSmile. Thank you for supporting the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
2017 Donations
The CLEHS is a non-profit, 501 © 3 organization, that receives no government support and is entirely supported by membership dues and cash donations. The Board of Directors thanks the following members and organizations for their donations during 2017:
Arroyo Grande Cops n Kids 67
Brian Smith 300
Chris Spurling & Linda Cobb 500
Gary Hoving 1,000
Gary Teragawa 50
Guadalupe Kids Day 66
John Biber 100
Keith Bushey 200
Mark Simens 5,000
Mike Bondarenko 50
Mike Lynch 300
Morro Bay Show 60
Porky Show 670
Randy Grago 700
William J. Tully, Jr. 250
You can make a tax-deductible gift to the CLEHS on-line at the CLEHS web site. Just click on the yellow Donate button below the page listings in the right margin.
Year-End Donation
As we approach the year-end, will join us in making a tax-deductible gift to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society in the amount that is right for you and your family?
Your donation makes it possible to take the California Police Museum to various venues, publish the Society’s newsletter California Police Historian with PCNews, and to host the annual Collector’s Show in San Luis Obispo.
You can donate right now on-line at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page, there is a blue and yellow Donate button below the page listings. Click on the button to a make a safe and secure donation through PayPal.
All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS page which is also found on the right margin.
2018 Membership Renewal
Have you renewed your 2018 membership in the California Law Enforcement Historical Society? If not, please take a moment to renew your membership with a payment of $40.00 for one year or $400.00 for a life membership!
To renew on-line, click on the Membership tab on the right margin.
To renew by mail, send a check to:
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
2017 National Police Collectors Show Advance Ticket Sales
Advance ticket sales are available for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show.
You get early entry into the collectors show during the table holder set up time, 8 am, on Saturday and Sunday. Only registered table holders and assistants are allowed entry during Friday set up.
To purchase an advance ticket go to Tickets
Your eBay or PayPal payment confirmation will be your electronic ticket for entry. No other ticket will be issued. Please print out your payment confirmation and bring it to the door as your electronic ticket.
2017 National Police Collectors Show Event Program
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Updates July 30, 2017
Here is the latest table holders list for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show as of July 30, 2017.
A BOLD table number indicates that there is a balance due. Electrical outlets are generally not available unless purchased separately in advance. An electrical outlet is over $100 which is why it has not been offered.
At this point the hall rental and tables have been paid and there is no refund available. Currently, only about 10 tables are available.
To make an on-line table reservation, on the CLEHS web site, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show tab in the right margin.
To reserve a table and pay by check, or make edits, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
All questions about the show or table reservations should be directed to Gary Hoving.
Table holders are encouraged to provide the names of table assistance so admittance badges may be made in advance. As a reminder, only one table assistant is permitted per table.
Registration and set up will begin at noon on Friday, August 18, 2017. All entry and unloading must occur from the dock area on the back (west side) of the Ontario Convention Center.
Last, First, Assistant, Tables
Ahlemeir Kevin Walt Hanna 1
Aleria Tony Steve Nibarger 1
Andrews Tom Jeremiah Herderich 2
Arellano Pete Sharon 1
Authors Tables Brian Smith Coordinate 2
Badge Frame Co Baxter Bill & Shelley 2
Baerg James 1
Baird Bill Dick Stewart 1
Baker John Christine 0
Beath Robert Christine 1
Berry Stan Josh Goldmark 4
Bertalotto Ryan Donceya 1
Blom Bob 1
Bombiadi Bob Sue Bombiadi 1
Bombiadi Bob Sue Bombiadi 3
Bondarenko Mike PC News 1
Boren Scott Steve Martin 1
Bray Mark 3
Bultema James Carole Bultema 1
Bund Bob 1
Burks Bill Keith Mackey 1
Bushey Keith 3
Bushey Jake 3
Casey Jim Jim Pecora 1
Cassidy Martin J. Ron Dalbey 1
Chow Calvin Diana 1
Claflin James 1
Colonnelli Phil Kim Colonnelli 10
Corr Kevin Mike Halasi 3
Cross Pamela Russ 1
Dahlen Paul Dana 2
Dalton Bill 2
Daniels Dennis Margaret 2
Darling Brad Alex James 1
DeDiemar Don Linda Cabb 3
DeVilbiss Michael Kathy DeVilbiss 5
Didway Steven Jeff Tuttle 3
Dugardyn Xavier Penny Anderson 1
Edmondson Jack 1
Ergas Nick 2
Fejka Michael Carmel 3
Fox Art Brenda Fox 1
Frank Carl 1
Gatto Rudy Dominic Sarabia 1
Gist Doug Kris 4
Glaser Paul Michael Carolyn 1
Gonzo Gonzales 12
Grago Randy Gene Gianuzzi 5
Grago Randy 2
Greiner Chip Laurie Greiner 1
Gurule Dan 1
Gwaltney Mike Sue Laury 3
Haggerty Sarah NP Museum 1
Hall James Joan Hall 1
Harding Tammy Wayne Harding 1
Harms Robert Suzanne 2
Harness Danny C. Harness 1
Herald William David Hume 1
Houser Dennis Nancy Houser 1
Hoving Gary Crystal/Jill Hoving 4
Jackson Ronnie 1
Jensen Andie William Selonek 0
Johnson Roy 1
Johnson Ward Bruce Toloski 2
Kalinowski Ed Emily &John Korompilas 1
Kanaya Nick None 1
Keng Ephraim 1
Kidd Frank 2
Klasey Darrell Janet 2
Kohlstedt Robert Dustin Grove 2
Krozalic Damir 2
Lawson John Barbara 3
Lindsay Darryl Marla Lindsay 2
Lucas Mike Christina Lucas 2
Lusk Ryder Barbara Lusk 2
Lynch Pat Carol Lynch 2
Lynch Michael Mike Whitehead 2
Macgruder Don 0
Magruder Donald 0
Magyar Richard TBD 1
Maroney Wes Rose 2
McCarthy Michael Laurie & Scott 7
Mills Colin 1
Mize Al Lisa Valdez 1
Mizroch Stephen 1
Munding Jim Doug Brimmer 1
Napoliello Michael John Napoliello 4
Nunes Jarrod 1
Ontario Police Museum Bob 2
Ortiz Lenny 1
Palmer Chuck 1
Peeler Jeffrey Jason Peeler 2
Pegg Art Stu Finkelstein 1
Petrol Stephen 0
Police Museum California 8
Pyne Mark 10
Rich Michael 1
Robertson Ben 1
Rodgers Paul Frank Kidd 2
Ruse Tod 2
Schott Gary 1
Schulberg David Gene Wright/Chell Gilman Schulberg 1
Secrest Clark 1
Semel Nathan 3
Shattuck James 1
Shell Dennis Kathleen 4
Sherrard Ray Ron Nomura 5
Shugart Harry J. Shugart 1
Signorelli Jim Judy Allen 1
Simpkins Steven Gerry Skinner 1
Sinai Aurthur Christina Sinai 2
Skinner Skip Mary Skinner/ Bruce Prior 2
Smiley Darrin 1
Smith Brian Karen Smith 1
Snow Russell Seth Burrow 1
Snyder Ken 2
Sorenson Norman Tom Beckman 2
Spurling Chris Linda Cabb 1
Stumpf George Peggy 5
Tentative Ted Lupe 1
Teragawa Gary TBD 5
Tibbs Gerard 0
Toler Ken 1
Tovar Jesse Teresa Tovar 1
Tresch Dean Sybil 1
Treul Bryan Dave Nellis 1
Tully William Natalie Sanders 3
Urso David 1
Walsch Scott 1
Weakley David John Jagger 1
Weiss Dan 1
Williams Don Kim Williams 2
Williams Craig Jill Williams 1
Yoshioka R.C. 1
Zitek Ed Jenny 0
Board of Directors Election Results
An election was held to elect five members to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society Board of Directors for the 2017-2019 term. The following five members were elected for the 2017-2019 term which began on July 1, 2017:
Gary Hoving – President
Brian Smith – Secretary/Treasurer
Ian Parkinson – Director
Keith Bushey – Director
Mark Bray – Director
The Board selected three Regional Directors for the 2017-2019 term:
Mike DeVilbiss – Director, Northern
Vacant – Director, Central
Dean Hileman – Director, Central
Ray Sherrard – Director, Southern
The Central Regional Director is vacant at this time.Please welcome the new and returning Board members.
New Donation System for Museum
The CLEHS has acquired a new donation collection system in an attempt to raise revenues through museum visitors. The system collects $5 though any credit or debit card and transmits via secured cell service. It is pre-programmed for $ 5 which can also be used for admission to our collector shows for those wanting to spare their cash.
Currently, very little is received in the way of donations in our collection box within the museum. Most people simply walk by without donating.
We are optimistic that the new system will make it easier to donate and help us to keep the museum and projects in good financial order.
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Updates June 26, 2017
Paul Michael Glaser:
The National Police Collectors Show is less than seven weeks away. As of this writing, 250 tables have been reserved with just a few remaining. Being so close to Hollywood, it seems fitting to seek the appearance of celebrities to our event. Best known by this audience as Starsky from the hit TV show “Starsky and Hutch,” Paul Glaser held a staring roll in the show that originally aired from 1975 to 1979.
In addition to his role as Starsky, Glaser has appeared in 20 films and many dozens of televisions shows as both an actor and director. He remains active in his career to this day. Born in Massachusetts, Glaser holds two Masters degrees and is a resident of Southern California.
Attending with Paul Glaser will be the iconic Ford Torino from the Starsky and Hutch series. Paul will be available for autographs and a photo opportunity with the Torino.
In support of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society, Paul waived his appearance fees and is excited about joining our event. In addition, Paul offered to do a promotional spot on one of the Los Angeles TV networks which we hope to draw a greater attendance.
Caroline Peterson, Glaser’s publicist, was such a joy to work with that I just have to comment. Please be sure to stop by to welcome Paul Michael Glaser and Caroline Peterson to let them how much we appreciate them.
Mark Hall-Patton:
While a common fixture at central and southern California collectors show, our very own Mark Hall-Patton will be at the NPCS. Mark is a long-time member of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society who is a regular on “Pawn Stars.” His day-job is the director of the Clark County (Las Vegas, Nevada) Historical Museum System.
Host Hotel:
Our host hotel is the DoubleTree Inn, reservations can be made here: Hotel Reservation After the final discounted rooms are sold, the price will increase or other arrangements will be necessary.
Show Badge:
A second order for the National Police Collectors Show badges are available for purchase. To purchase a badge on-line, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show Badge tab in the right margin. The first order of the high-quality Entenmann-Rovin stars sold quickly. It is anticipated that the final available badges will be sold prior to the actual event. Badges are available at $115 each and unfortunately there is no personalization of the show badge.
Raffle Gifts:
Raffle Gifts are needed to assist in the fundraising effort. Patches, badges, gift certificates and small electronics are highly desirable for the raffle. Please contact Email: Gary Hoving to coordinate your donation. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, donations are deductible from individual income taxes.
We have a special treat for the exhibitors and attendees. There will be an insider briefing on the San Bernardino Terrorist attack from December, 2015. The San Bernardino Police Department will host the event offering two sessions, one on Friday afternoon and an encore presentation on Saturday afternoon. This will be especially informative for all of the active and retired law enforcement officers with presenters that were on-scene. Non- law enforcement exhibitors will be allowed into the presentation. A $5 donation is requested which will benefit the San Bernardino Police Historical Museum. The San Bernardino Police Department reserves the right to screen attendees based on the critical nature of the program.
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society will host a collector’s reception. This event will follow the selection meeting for future shows. The day and times will be announced in the near future but have targeted for the close of show on Saturday, August 19, 2017. The reception is anticipated to be held in the Presidential Suite at the Double Tree (Host Hotel) Inn.
Volunteers are needed to assist in staffing the California Police Museum. We are seeking volunteers in two hour blocks of time. The Museum will close during award ceremonies so that all may participate.
A tour of a local badge manufacturing company was not approved by the company management. Consequently, the badge company tour has been removed from the NPCS agenda. We apologize for any inconvenience that may result from this uncontrollable change.
Color Guard:
On the first day of the Show, there will be a color guard posting the American Flag and the California State Flag followed by the National Anthem. This event will take place at 9:15 AM. Awards will be available to exhibitors for a variety of categories. Included in the awards will be Best Badge Display, Best Patch Display, Best Historical Exhibit, Best Educational Display and Best of Show. The awards will be presented during a brief ceremony on Saturday Afternoon.
Table Holder List:
A list of tables holders will be posted on FaceBook at the Friends of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society. Tables will be pre-assigned to guarantee that each exhibitor will have all of their tables adjoining. Registration packets will be available upon checking in for set up. As a reminder, ALL REPRODUCTION ITEMS MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED.
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Table Holders List, June 26, 2017
Here is the table holders list for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show as of June 26, 2017.Carefully review the list to ensure your information is correct.Your table reservation is not confirmed if “Not Paid” is in the note column.
There are still tables available for the show, but a sell-out is expected. Do not be disappointed.To make an on-line table reservation, on the CLEHS web site, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show tab in the right margin.
To reserve a table and pay by check, or make edits, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
All questions about the show or table reservations should be directed to Gary Hoving.
Last Name First Name Assistant Tables Note
Aleria Tony Steve Nibarger 1
Andrews Tom Jeremiah Herderich 2
Arellano Pete Sharon 1
Authors Tables Brian Smith Coordinate 2
Badge Frame Co Baxter Bill & Shelley 2
Baerg James 1
Baird Bill Dick Stewart 1
Baker John Chrysten 1
Beath Robert Christine 1
Berry Stan Josh Goldmark 3
Bertalotto Ryan Donceya 1
Blom Bob 1
Bombiadi Bob Sue Bombiadi 1
Bombiadi Bob Sue Bombiadi 3
Bondarenko Mike PC News 1
Boren Scott 1
Bray Mark 3 Not paid
Bultema James Carole Bultema 1
Bund Bob 1
Burks Bill 1
Bushey Keith 3
Bushey Jake 3
Casey Jim Jim Pecora 1
Cassidy Martin J. 1 Not paid
Chow Calvin Diana 1
Claflin James 1
Colonnelli Phil Kim Colonnelli 10
Corr Kevin Mike Halasi 3
Cross Pamela Russ 1
Dahlen Paul Dana 2
Dalton Bill 2
Daniels Dennis Margaret 2
Deidemire Don Linda Cabb 3 Not paid
DeVilbiss Michael Kathy DeVilbiss 5
Didway Steven Jeff Tuttle 3
Dugardyn Xavier Penny Anderson 1
Edmondson Jack 1
Ergas Nick 2
Fejka Michael Carmel 3
Fox Art Brenda Fox 1
Frank Carl 1
Gatto Rudy Dominic Sarabia 1
Gist Doug Kris 3
Glaser Paul Michael Carolyn 1
Godfrey Ed 2 Not paid
Gonzo Gonzales 12
Grago Randy Gene Gianuzzi 5
Grago Randy 2
Greiner Chip Laurie Greiner 1
Gurule Dan 1
Gwaltney Mike Sue Laury 3
Haggerty Sarah NP Museum 1
Hall James Joan Hall 1
Harding Tammy Wayne Harding 1
Harms Robert Suzanne 2
Harness Danny C. Harness 1
Herald William David Hume 1
Houser Dennis Nancy Houser 1
Hoving Gary Crystal/Jill Hoving 4
Jackson Ronnie 1
Johnson Roy 1
Johnson Ward Bruce Toloski 2
Kalinowski Ed Emily &John Korompilas 1
Kanaya Nick None 1
Keng Ephraim 1
Kidd Frank 2
Klasey Darrel Janet 2
Kohlstedt Robert 1
Krozalic Damir 2
Lawson John Barbara 3
Lindsay Darryl Marla Lindsay 2
Lucas Mike Christina Lucas 1
Lusk Ryder Barbara Lusk 2
Lynch Pat Carol Lynch 2
Macgruder Don 1
Magruder Donald 1
Magyar Richard TBD 1
Maroney Wes Rose 2
McCarthy Michael Laurie & Scott 6
Mills Colin 1
Mize Al Lisa Valdez 1
Mizroch Stephen 1
Munding Jim Doug Brimmer 1
Napoliello Mchael 4 Not paid
Nunes Jarrod 1
Ontario Police Museum Bob 2
Peeler Jeffrey Jason Peeler 2
Pegg Art Stu Finkelstein 1
Petrol Stephen 1 Not paid
Police Museum California 8
Pyne Mark 10
Rich Michael 1
Robertson Ben 1
Rodgers Paul Frank Kidd 2
Ruse Tod 2
Schott Gary 1
Schulberg David Gene Wright/Chell Gilman Schulberg 1
Secrest Clark 1
Semel Nathan 3 Not paid
Shattuck James 1
Shell Dennis Kathleen 4
Sherrard Ray 5
Shugart Harry J. Shugart 1
Signorelli Jim Judy Allen 1
Sinai Aurthur Christina Sinai 2
Skinner Skip Mary Skinner/ Bruce Prior 2
Smiley Darrin 1
Smith Brian Karen Smith 1
Snow Russell Seth Burrow 1
Snyder Ken 2
Sorenson Norman Tom Beckman 2
Spurling Chris Linda Cabb 1
Stumpf George Peggy 5
Teragawa Gary TBD 5
Tibbs Gerard 2
Tovar Jesse Teresa Tovar 1
Tresch Dean Sybil 1
Treul Bryan Dave Nellis 1
Tully William Natalie Sanders 3
Urso David 1
Weakley David John Jagger 1
Williams Don Kim Williams 2
Williams Craig Jill Williams 1
Yoshioka R.C. 1
Calling All Authors
At the 2017 National Police Collectors Show on August 19 – 20, 2017, we will have a book signing event where you can meet and talk to authors of law enforcement related books.
We have currently have 12 authors scheduled to participate at various times during the show including Keith Bushey, Mark Hall-Patton, James Bultema and JR Sanders.
If you are an author, and wish to join us, please email: Brian Smith
Paul Michael Glaser At the NPCS
Paul Michael Glaser will be attending the National Police Collectors Show on Saturday, August 19, 2017. Probably best known by this audience as Starsky from the hit TV show “Starsky and Hutch.” Glaser held a staring roll in the show that originally aired from 1975-1979.
In addition to his role as Starsky, Glaser has appeared in 20 films and many dozens of televisions shows as both an actor and director. He remains active in his career to this day.
Born in Massachusetts, Glaser holds two Masters degrees and is a resident of Southern California.
Attending with Paul Glaser will be the iconic Ford Torino from the Starsky and Hutch series. He will be available for autographs and a photo opportunity with the Torino. His appearance fees were waived in support of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
Help Your Historical Society
There are many ways to support the California Law Enforcement Historical Society, like membership dues, in kind contributions, and grants. An easy way to help is through a cash donation.
A cash donation makes it possible to take the California Police Museum to various venues up and down the state, continue to publish the California Police Historian, to host the annual Collector’s Show in San Luis Obispo, and expand the Society’s web site.
You can donate online at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page there is a blue and yellow Donate button below the page listings. Click on the button to a make a safe and secure donation through PayPal. All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS web page which is found on the right margin.
Another way to support the Historical Society is by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to the Historical Society. Click here for AmazonSmile
Thank you for supporting the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
More on the Way – 2017 National Show Badge
A collectable badge for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show was made and quickly sold out. So, we ordered more badges from The Entenmann-Rovin Company. Badges should be available mid-June.
The badge cost $115.00 and includes shipping to the US only. To purchase a badge on-line, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show Badge tab in the right margin.
If you wish to purchase a badge and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
Volunteers Needed
If you missed the newly remodeled and revised California Police Museum at the Morro Bay Hot Rod and Emergency Vehicle Show on May 6, do not despair! The Museum will be on display at the 2017 National Police Collectors Show, August 19-20, 2017 at the Ontario Convention Center.
As you enjoy the Museum, remember, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to transport and staff the CPM. And Gary Hoving and Jill Drexhage did an excellent job at the Morro Bay Show. But they need help for the much larger National Show. Volunteer are needed to staff the Museum during the Show, we have one hour and two shifts available both days.
So if you would like to help out, contact Gary Hoving at (805) 441-4936, or
Email: Gary Hoving
San Diego Police Historical Association & Museum, Law Enforcement Collectors Show and Historic Vehicle Exhibition
The San Diego Police Historical Association & Museum is proud to host a Law Enforcement Collectors Show and Historic Vehicle Exhibition, at the San Diego Police Range, on Saturday, October 28, 2017, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Police Range is located at 4008 Federal Blvd, San Diego, CA.
The show is a fund raiser for the San Diego Police Historical Association & Museum and is hosted by Dan Weiss. The show will include a pre-show meet and greet for tables holders at the Police Museum on Friday night, on-site BBQ, and the San Diego Police Historical Fleet on display. Awards will be presented for Best Badge Display, Best Patch Display and Best of Show.
There are 30 tables available at $30.00 each, admission is $5.00. To make a table reservation, please email Dan Weiss
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Updates April 22, 2017
The San Bernardino Police Department will provide an insider briefing of the San Bernardino mass shooting that took place on December 2, 2015 that killed 14 and seriously injured 22.
Two sessions are scheduled, Friday, August 18, 2017, in the afternoon and another one, Saturday, August 19, 2017, in the afternoon. Times and locations of these briefings will be provided at a later date, so watch for updates on our facebook page.
The briefing includes portions of the 911 calls and live footage of the active shooter protocol. Admission is $5 per attendee, proceeds going to the San Bernardino Police Historical Society.
Opening Ceremonies:
The Ontario Police Department will open the 2017 National Show at 9:15 am on Saturday, August 19, 2017. The ceremonies will include a four member color guard to post the flag, singing of the National Anthem followed by an invocation.
The Deputy Chief of the Ontario Police Department will present awards at 2:00 pm on Saturday afternoon.
Ontario Rotary Police Museum:
The Ontario Police Museum will have their restored antique patrol car parked on
in front of the Convention Center.
The Museum captures the rich history of the past 100+ years of the Ontario Police Department. It was established primarily as vehicle to teach children respect for the law. Included are exhibits that highlight the unique law
enforcement challenges that have shaped the department as the city has grown.
The Museum is located at 2500 S Archibald Ave, Ontario, phone (909) 673-9161.
For questions about the 2017 National Police Collectors Show, please contact Gary Hoving, (805) 441-4936 or Email: Gary Hoving
Board of Directors Election, 2017 – 2019 Term
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is governed by a nine member, volunteer, Board of Directors, who meet annually, to set policy for the Society. Directors serve without compensation but travel expenses may be paid.
The Board of Directors consists of five elected at large Directors and four appointed Directors who represent specific areas of the state, Northern, Central, Central Coast, and Southern.
It is election time and nominations for the five elected at large Directors, 2017 – 2019 Term, are now being accepted.
Members that would like to serve on the Board, or nominate others to serve, are asked to submit their nomination in writing, by April 15, 2017, to:
Brian Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
You can also email your nomination to Brian at:
After nominations are received and validated, a ballot and return envelope will be mailed to all eligible members by May 1, 2017. Please note: Article 12, Section 1, of the CLEHS By-laws do not allow Associate or Corporate members to vote, therefore, no ballot will be sent to those members.
In order for your vote to count, completed ballots must be returned no later than June 1, 2017. Election results will be announced in July 2017.
2017 Collector’s Show, Annual Meeting, and Reception
The 14th Annual California Law Enforcement Historical Society (CLEHS) Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show will be held at the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall on Saturday, July 8, 2017, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Veteran’s Hall is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA.
The show is a fund raiser for the California Law Enforcement Historical Society and is hosted by Gary Hoving
There are 55, eight foot tables available at $40.00 each; Society members pay $35.00 each. Reserve your table early as the show sells out every year! Admission is $5.00 per person, children under 12 are free.
Awards are presented for Best Patch Display, Best Badge Display, Best Historical Display, Best Educational Display and Best of Show. To reserve a table and make payment on-line, go to Collector’s Show Tab on the right margin.
If you wish to reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P.O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
(805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
On Friday, July 7, 2017, the California Law Enforcement Historical Society will hold its annual corporate meeting at the Central Coast Veterans Memorial Museum, downstairs in the San Luis Obispo Veterans Hall, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The Museum is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA. All CLEHS members are invited to attend.
Immediately following the meeting, there will be a pre-show reception from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Memorial Museum. All are welcome.
Check our web site Cal Police History and Facebook page Friends of the CLEHS for show updates.
2017 National Police Collectors Show Badge
A collectable badge for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show is now available to order. The badge will replicate the 7 point, gold color star of the California Highway Patrol. The badge will be made by one of the oldest badge manufacturers in California, The Entenmann-Rovin Company.
The badge is available to CLEHS members and National Police Collectors Show table holders as a collectable keepsake only. No badges will be available for purchase at the show. Don’t miss out to order a badge, delivery is expected this Spring.
The badge cost $115.00 and includes shipping.
To purchase a badge on-line, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show Badge tab in the right margin.
If you wish to purchase a badge and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Hotel Reservations Update
Our group block of rooms for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show, August 17 – 20, 2017 is open now.
Below is the link to the hotel web page which you can use exclusively to make reservations. There is no code needed for this option, click on the link below to book directly with your block of rooms. Should you need to adjust the automatic dates, click on the small calendars.
You can also call 1-800-222-8733 (this number can be called at any time to make reservations) and use the code LEH when making reservations.
The group rate is $119+tax (Single thru Quadruple occupancy). You have until July 31, 2017, or until the block is full, to make the reservation at the group rate.
All questions about the show or table reservations should be directed to:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
California Police Historian
The California Police Historian has consolidated with PCNews and will now be included in that publication. PCNews has gone to digital distribution and the January-February 2017 issue was emailed to all CLEHS members on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. Members without an email address will receive a hard copy of PCNewsl. To ensure you get your PCNews please email Brian Smith at with any changes to your email address. You can also find the California Police Historian on our web site, just click on the California Police Historian tab on the right margin.
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Table Holders List, January 7, 2017
Here is the table holders list for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show as of January 7, 2017. This list displays table holders by last name and does not include table shares or assistants or payment status.
Several reservations have not been paid and will be deleted in February if not funded.
To check on a table reservation or payment status, contact Gary Hoving by phone (805) 441-4936 or email: Gary Hoving
2016 Donations
The CLEHS is a non-profit, 501 © 3 organization, that receives no government support and is entirely supported by membership dues and cash donations. The Board of Directors thanks the following members and organizations for their donations during 2016:
Arnold Nichols 25
Brian Smith 450
Chris Spurling 500
Gary Hoving 1,500
Jack Jones 100
James Baerg 150
Joel Blumenthal 20
Keith Bushey 300
Mark Simens 3,000
Mike Lynch 450
Phil Colonnelli 100
Ray Sherrard 100
Randy Grago 750
Ruediger Lotz 50
Sheriff’s Day at the Ranch 65
Silver State National Peace Officers Museum 10,000
Wes Burns 100
New Board Members
There were two vacancies on the CLEHS Board of Directors with the passing of Mike Bailey and the resignation of Russ Snow since he has moved out of state. The term for these two positons expires on June 30, 2017.
The Board of Directors has voted to appoint San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson and Sergeant Mark Bray to fill the vacant positions.
Please join me in welcoming Ian and Mark to the Board of Directors.
2017 Membership Renewal
Have you renewed your 2017 membership in the California Law Enforcement Historical Society? If not, please take a moment to renew your membership with a payment of $35.00 for one year or $350.00 for a life membership!
To renew on-line, click on the Membership tab on the right margin.
To renew by mail, send a check to:
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
2017 National Police Collectors Show Patch
The 2017 National Police Collectors Show patch has arrived. Designed by Randy Grago, the patch is similar to the Ontario Police Department whose jurisdiction covers the Ontario Convention Center. In a surprise move, Randy Grago donated the entire patch order to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society which will help fund the event. Thank you to Randy Grago for his generosity.
To purchase a patch on-line, click on the National Police Collectors Show Patch tab in the right margin.
To purchase a patch and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
Year-End Donation, AmazonSmile
As we approach year-end, I am asking you to join me in making a year-end tax deductible gift to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society in the amount that is right for you and your family.
Your donation makes it possible to take the California Police Museum to various venues up and down the state, continue to publish the California Police Historian, to host the annual Collector’s Show in San Luis Obispo, and expand the Society’s web site.
You can donate right now online at the CLEHS web site. On the right side of each page there is a blue and yellow Donate button below the page listings. Click on the button to a make a safe and secure donation through PayPal. All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS web page which is found on the right margin.
Another way to support the Historical Society is by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to the Historical Society. Click here for AmazonSmile
Thank you for supporting the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
You can support the California Law Enforcement Historical Society by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to the Historical Society. Click here for AmazonSmile
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Table Holders List
Below is the October 7, 2016 list of table holders for the 2017 National Police Collectors Show, to be held at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California, on August 19 – 20, 2017.
Carefully review the list to ensure your information is correct.
Note: your table reservation is not confirmed if it says Owes $xxx or Not Paid next to your table count.
To make an on-line table reservation, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show tab in the right margin.
To reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
All questions about the show or table reservations should be directed to Gary Hoving.
Last Name First Name Assistant Tables Payment
Authors Tables Brian Smith Coordinate 2 N/A
Baerg James 1 Paypal
Baker John Chrysten 1 Check 1303
Berry Stan Josh Goldmark 3 Paypal
Bertalotto Ryan Donceya 1 Not Paid
Bombiadi Bob Sue Bombiadi 1 Paypal
Bombiadi Bob Sue Bombiadi 3 Paypal
Boren Scott 1 Paypal
Bushey Keith 2 Check 5263
Casey Jim Jim Pecora 1 Paypal
Cassidy Martin J. 1 Not Paid
Colonnelli Phil Kim Colonnelli 10 Paypal
Corr Kevin Mike Halasi 3 Paypal
Dalton Bill 2 Check 7422
Daniels Dennis Margaret 1 Chk# 7564
DeVilbiss Michael Kathy DeVilbiss 4 Paypal
Dugardyn Xavier Penny Anderson 1 Paypal
Ergas Nick 2 Paypal
Fejka Michael Carmel 2 Chk# 1304
Frank Carl 1 Cash
Gonzo Gonzales 12 Not Paid
Grago Randy Gene Gianuzzi 5 Paypal
Grago Randy 2 Paypal
Gurule Dan 1 Paypal
Hall James Joan Hall 1 Paypal
Herald William 1 Paypal
Houser Dennis Nancy Houser 1 Paypal
Hoving Gary Crystal 4 Paypal
Jensen Andie William Selonek 1 Paypal
Johnson Roy 1 Cash
Kanaya Nick None 1 Paypal
Kidd Frank 2 Paypal
Krozalic Damir 2 Not Paid
Lindsay Darryl Maria Lindsay 2 Paypal
Lynch Pat Carol Lynch 2 Paypal
Macgruder Don 1 Cash
McCarthy Michael Laurie & Scott 6 Paypal
Mize Al Lisa Valdez 1 Paypal
Mizroch Stephen 1 Check 5101
Munding Jim Doug Brimmer 1 Paypal
Nunes Jarrod 1 Paypal
Petrol Stephen 1 Not Paid
Pyne Mark 10 Cash
Robertson Ben 1 Paypal
Rodgers Paul Frank Kidd 2 Cash $160
Ruse Tod 2 Check 5263
Schulberg David Gene Wright/Chell Gilman Schulberg 1 Paypal
Secrest Clark 1 Check 2084
Shell Dennis Kathleen 2 Paypal
Sherrard Ray 5 Owes $160
Signorelli Jim Judy Allen 1 Paypal
Skinner Skip Mary Skinner 1 Paypal
Smith Brian Karen Smith 1 Paypal
Teragawa Gary TBD 5 Owes $80
Tovar Jesse Teresa Tovar 1 Paypal
Urso David 1 Cash
Weakley David John Jagger 1 Check 7422
Williams Don Kim Williams 2 Paypal
Yoshioka R.C. 1 Paypal
Zitek Ed Jenny 1 Not Paid
2017 National Police Collectors Show – Hotel Link
The 2017 National Police Collectors Show will be held at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California, on August 19 – 20, 2017.
The show host hotel is the Doubletree Hotel Ontario Airport, located next to the Convention Center, at 222 North Vineyard Avenue, Ontario, CA 91764, (909) 937-0900. CLEHS room rate is $119.00 per night, plus tax. The show rate is only valid until July 31, 2017. It is strongly recommended that you reserve your room early! You can now make your reservation on-line.
Click here for Hotel Reservation
And do not forget to reserve your table for show. There are 300, eight foot by 30” display tables available at $80.00 each. Special accommodations and table requests will be honored in the order of reservation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you reserve your table early! Admission is $5.00 per person, children under 12 are free.
To make an on-line table reservation, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show tab in the right margin.
If you wish to reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
2017 National Police Collectors Show
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society will host 2017 National Police Collectors Show at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California, on August 19 – 20, 2017. The Convention Center is located 38 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, on Interstate 10.
Public hours for the event are 9 am – 5 pm on Saturday and 9 am – 2 pm on Sunday. Pre-registered exhibitors only will be allowed into the show on Friday for set-up from 12 noon to 5 pm.
There are 300, eight foot by 30” display tables available at $80.00 each. Special accommodations and table requests will be honored in the order of reservation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you reserve your table early! Admission is $5.00 per person, children under 12 are free.
To make an on-line table reservation, click on the 2017 National Police Collectors Show tab in the right margin.
If you wish to reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0475
Phone (805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
The show host hotel is the Doubletree Hotel Ontario Airport, located next to the Convention Center, at 222 North Vineyard Avenue, Ontario, CA 91764, (909) 937-0900. Room rate is $119.00 per night, plus tax.
Note: We are awaiting a web link and reservation code from the Doubletree and once received, both will be posted.
Questions about the show should be directed to Gary Hoving.
2016 Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show
Only three months until the California Law Enforcement Historical Society’s 13th Annual Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show. The show will be Saturday, July 16, 2016, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, at the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall.
Note: This date is one week later than usual and we have returned to the Veteran’s Memorial Hall which is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.
There are 55, eight foot tables available at $40.00 each; Society members pay $35.00 each. Reserve your table early as the show sells out every year! Admission is $5.00 per person, children under 12 are free.
Awards are presented for Best Patch Display, Best Badge Display, Best Historical Display, Best Educational Display and Best of Show.
To reserve a table and make payment click on Collector’s Show in the right margin.
If you wish to reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P.O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
(805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
Police Historian of the Year Nominations
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is accepting nominations for the 2015 Police Historian of the Year. The intent of the award is to honor and recognize the person that has made the greatest contribution to the preservation of California’s law enforcement history. This may be achieved through a variety of ways including research projects, writings, publications, documentary film production, or contribution to the historical society as a whole.
Award recipients must be members in good standing in the CLEHS, have distinguished themselves during the year of recognition, and must have displayed excellence through service, research or preservation.
Recipients will be recognized in the next issue of California Police Historian and presented with a recognition plaque. Nominations may be made in writing to:
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93444
You can also email your nominations to Cal Police History Nominations shall be submitted no later than May 8, 2016.
To see a list of past recipients of the Police Historian of the Year award click on the Police Historian of the Year tab in the right margin.
California Police Museum at the Cruisin’ Morro Bay Car Show
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society’s Police Museum will be on display at the Cruisin’ Morro Bay Car Show, Saturday, May 7, 2016, in downtown Morro Bay. The Museum will be open, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and all are welcome to attend.
A cruise night/vehicle parade will take place the evening before the show throughout the City. This is a four day event, for more information click Car Show
2017 National Police Memorabilia Collectors Show
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society has been selected as the host of the 2017 National Police Memorabilia Collectors Show. Ultimately decided by the 2015 National Show table holders, the vote was extremely close. The best part is that the collectors from across the country will have a chance to enjoy western hospitality in a collector friendly environment.
We thank Mike Bonderanko for soliciting and counting the votes necessitated by the withdrawal by the hosts of the proposed Florida show. Additional information will be forthcoming in the next couple of months so stay in touch through the CLEHS Facebook page and Web Site:
The CLEHS also extends their thanks to the proposed hosts of the show in Reno. Their graciousness and support are greatly appreciated.
2016 Membership Renewal
Have you renewed your 2016 membership in the California Law Enforcement Historical Society? If not, please take a moment to renew your membership with a payment of $35.00 for one year or $350.00 for a life membership!
You can make your payment on-line at the CLEHS web site
Cal Police History On the Home page, click on the Membership tab on the right margin to renew.
If you prefer, you can renew by sending a check to:
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
Can’t remember if you have renewed your membership? Contact Brian Smith for your membership status.
Due to circumstances out of our control, the date of the 2016 San Luis Obispo Collector’s Show has been changed. The show will be now be held on July 16, 2016, back at our original location, the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo.
Sorry for the inconvenience but we found the Vet’s Hall to be more convenient for our travelers due to the proximity to hotels and restaurants.
Collector’s Show Photos/Year-End Donation
We have finally added more photos of the 2015 Collector’s Show to our web site: Cal Police History. Once on the Home page, click Photo Gallery on the right margin, and then click 2015 Collector’s Show to see all photos. These great photos are courtesy of CLEHS Life Member Phil Colonnelli.
As we approach year-end, I am asking you to join me in making a year-end tax-deductible gift to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society in the amount that is right for you and your family.
Your donation makes it possible to take the California Police Museum to various venues up and down the state, continue to publish the quarterly newsletter California Police Historian, to host the annual Collector’s Show in San Luis Obispo, and expand the Society’s web site.
You can donate right now online at the CLEHS web site. Go to Cal Police History On the right side of each page there is a blue and yellow Donate button below the page listings. Click on the button to a make a safe and secure donation through PayPal.
All donations are listed on the Donate to the CLEHS web page which is found on the right margin.
Thank you for continuing to support the CLEHS with a year-end tax-deductible gift.
Board of Directors Election Results
An election was held this Spring to elect five members to the California Law Enforcement Historical Society Board of Directors for the 2015-2017 term. The following members were elected:
Gary Hoving – President
Brian Smith – Secretary/Treasurer
Mike Bailey – Director
Keith Bushey – Director
Russ Snow – Director
The Board also appoints four Regional Directors and the following four
Members were appointed as Regional Directors:
Mike DeVilbiss – Director, Northern
Brad Steele – Director, Central
Dean Hileman – Director, Central
Ray Sherrard – Director, Southern
Please welcome the new and returning Board members.
2015 Collector’s Show, Reception, Tableholders List
The 12th Annual Police Memorabilia Collectors Show will be held on July 11, 2015 in San Luis Obispo. Due to circumstances out of our control, the show venue has been changed to Cuesta College, our previous site. Set up will remain at 8:00 AM with the doors open at 9:00 AM and we will conclude at 2:00 PM. Free admission for active and retired law enforcement, the list of table holders is presented below.
Hotel recommendations remain in San Luis Obispo but the Show will be at Cuesta College about 4 miles north of SLO on California Highway One toward Morro Bay. It is a very nice venue and we enjoyed it for a number of years. With any luck, we will return to the SLO Veteran’s Memorial Hall once again in 2016.
On Friday, July 10, 2015, the California Law Enforcement Historical Society will have a pre-show reception from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the Central Coast Veterans Memorial Museum. The Museum is located downstairs in the San Luis Obispo Veterans Hall at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo. All are welcome.
Name Assistant Number
Steve Mizroch 1
Gary Hoving Crystal 2
Dennis Shell Kathleen 2
Don Williams Kim Williams 2
Phil Colonnelli Kim Colonnelli 5
Ray Sherrard 2
Phil Jordan 2
Todd Ruse 2
Keith Bushey 0
Mark Hall-Patton 1
Gary Teragawa 1
Darren Smiley 1
Jim Bergman 1
Gene Green 1
Al Mize 1
Jim Casey 2
R.C. Yoshioka 1
Craig McKend Barbara McKend 1
J.R. Sanders 1
Mike Lynch Brian Smith 1
Mike Bailey Dottie Bailey 2
Tony Stillwell 1
Darrell Klassey Janet Klasey 2
Jim Baerg 1
Jesse Tovar Teresa Tovar 1
Wes Maroney Rose 2
Mike DeVilbiss Kathy 4
Norm Sorenson 2
Russ Snow 1
Ken Snyder 2
Stu Finkelstein Art Pegg 2
Jarrod Nunes 1
Nick Kanaya 1
Roy Johnson 1
2015 Collector’s Show Moved to Cuesta College
The 12th Annual Police Memorabilia Collectors Show will be held on July 11, 2015 in San Luis Obispo. Due to circumstances out of our control, the show venue has been changed to Cuesta College, our previous site. Set up will remain at 8:00 AM with the doors open at 9:00 AM and we will conclude at 2:00 PM.
Hotel recommendations remain in San Luis Obispo but the Show will be at Cuesta College about 4 miles north of SLO on California Highway One toward Morro Bay. It is a very nice venue and we enjoyed it for a number of years. With any luck, we will return to the SLO Veteran’s Memorial Hall once again in 2016.
Free admission for active and retired law enforcement. Hope to see you at Cuesta College on July 11, 2015!
Board of Directors Election
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is governed by a nine member, volunteer, Board of Directors, who meet annually, to set policy for the Society. Directors serve without compensation but travel expenses may be paid.
The Board of Directors consists of five elected at large Directors and four appointed Directors who represent specific areas of the state, Northern, Central, Central Coast, and Southern.
It is election time and nominations for the five elected at large Directors, 2015 – 2017 Term, are now being accepted.
Members that would like to serve on the Board, or nominate others to serve, are asked to submit their nomination in writing, by April 15, 2015, to:
Brian Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 254875
Sacramento, CA 95865-4875
You can also email your nomination to Brian Smith
After nominations are received and validated, a ballot and return envelope will be mailed to all eligible members by May 1, 2015. Please note: Article 12, Section 1, of the CLEHS By-laws do not allow Associate or Corporate members to vote, therefore, no ballot will be sent to those members.
In order for your vote to count, completed ballots must be returned no later than June 1, 2015. Election results will be announced in July 2015.
Donate Button
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society was established in 2001 to preserve and honor the rich history of the peace officers who have served within the State of California. Our objective is to link those interested in preserving history to a forum for education, research, and the enjoyment of our past.
The Historical Society is a non-profit, 501 © 3 organization, that receives no government support and is entirely supported by membership dues and cash donations.
To make it easier to donate, we have added an online Donate button on our web site. The blue and yellow button is on the right side of each page, below the page listings, and allows donation in any amount through PayPal.
2015 Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society’s 12th Annual Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show will be held at the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall on Saturday, July 11, 2015, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Veteran’s Hall is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.
There are 65, eight foot tables available at $40.00 each; Society members pay $35.00 each. Reserve your table early as the show sells out every year! Admission is $5.00 per person, children under 12 are free.
Awards are presented for Best Patch Display, Best Badge Display, Best Historical Display, Best Educational Display and Best of Show.
To reserve a table and make payment on-line, go to Collector’s Show
If you wish to reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving, President
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P.O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
(805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show
The 11th Annual California Law Enforcement Historical Society Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show will be held next Saturday, July 12, 2014, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm., at the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall. The Hall is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo.
All 64 display tables, 8 feet in length, have been sold and will contain many great displays of vintage badges, patches and other memorabilia! And many table holders will have items for sale or trade!
There are lots of things to see and do at this year’s show:
• The Central Coast Veteran’s Memorial Museum is located in the basement of the Veteran’s Memorial Hall. Hours are 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, admission is free. Link to Museum:
Central Coast Veteran’s Memorial Museum
• The Martin Milner Private Collection of memorabilia collected during Martin’s long career in movies and television will display many items at the show. This is an excellent opportunity see an actual LAPD uniform used on the Adam-12 TV
series and other items. Here is a link to information about the Collection:
Martin Milner Private Collection
• The Society’s most celebrated member, Mark Hall-Patton, is coming! You’ve seen him on the hit TV series “Pawn Stars”, now you can meet Mark in person at the show!
All tables for this year’s show sold early! Don’t miss out, reservations for the 2015 show will be accepted at the registration desk
Martin Milner Private Collection
Martin Milner, star of the TV series Adam-12 and Route 66, collected memorabilia during his long career in movies and television. We have been informed that some of these items from Martin’s private collection will be on display at the California Law Enforcement Historical Society (CLEHS) Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show on July 12, 2014. Molly, Martin’s daughter and Jack Milner, Martin’s grandson will be attending the show as well Tom Williams.
This is an excellent opportunity see an actual LAPD uniform used on the Adam -12 series and other items. Here is a link to information about the Collection:
Martin Milner Private Collection
Murder & Mayhem in the Napa Valley
California’s Napa Valley contains beautiful vineyards, wineries, and spas and is a prime tourist destination. But its sordid past comes alive in a new book that describes some of the most horrendous crimes in county history. The book was written by Todd Shulman, President of the Napa Police Historical Society, and each book is autographed by him. To order your copy, go to the Napa Police Historical Society
Collector’s Show Reminder
The 11th Annual California Law Enforcement Historical Society (CLEHS) Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show takes places on July 12, 2014 at the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall. CLEHS member Mark Hall–Patton from the TV series “Pawn Stars” will be at the show! Here is a video reminder from Mark. Mark Hall-Patton
Collector’s Show Sold Out
The 11th Annual California Law Enforcement Historical Society (CLEHS) Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show is SOLD OUT! If you wish to be placed on the table waiting list, should tables become available, please contact Gary Hoving.
Gary Hoving
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P.O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
Email: Gary Hoving
The Show will be held at the San Luis Obispo Veterans Memorial Hall on Saturday, July 12, 2014, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Tables not claimed by 9:00 am will revert back to the show and become available to those on the waiting list.
Collector’s Show, Annual Meeting, and Reception
The 11th Annual California Law Enforcement Historical Society (CLEHS) Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show will be held at the San Luis Obispo Veterans Memorial Hall on Saturday, July 12, 2014, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Veteran’s Hall is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA.
The show is a fund raiser for the California Law Enforcement Historical Society and is hosted by Gary Hoving. Food will be provided by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Explorers.
There are 55, seven foot tables available at $35.00 each; Society members pay $25.00 each. Reserve your table early as the show sells out every year! Walk-in donations are $5.00 per person and children under 12 are free.
Awards will be presented for Best Patch Display, Best Badge Display, Best Historical, Best Educational, and Best of Show.
To reserve a table and make payment on-line, go to Collector’s Show
If you wish to reserve a table and pay by check, please contact:
Gary Hoving
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P.O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
(805) 441-4936
Email: Gary Hoving
On Friday, July 11, 2014, the California Law Enforcement Historical Society will hold its annual corporate meeting at the Central Coast Veterans Memorial Museum, downstairs in the Veterans Hall, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The Museum is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA. All CLEHS members are invited to attend.
Immediately following the meeting, there will be a pre-show reception from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Memorial Museum. All are welcome.
Police Museum at the California Sheriff’s Association Conference
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society’s Police Museum will be on display at the California State Sheriff’s Association, 120th Annual Conference in San Luis Obispo. The Museum will be at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 333 Madonna Rd, San Luis Obispo, on Monday, April 28, 2014 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
This is the first time the Society has been invited to the California State Sheriff’s Association Annual Conference.
2013 Police Historian of the Year Nominations
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is accepting nominations for the 2013 Police Historian of the Year. The intent of the award is to honor and recognize the person that has made the greatest contribution to the preservation of California’s law enforcement history. This may be achieved through a variety of ways including research projects, writings, publications, documentary film production, or contribution to the historical society as a whole.
Award recipients must be members in good standing in the CLEHS, have distinguished themselves during the year of recognition, and must have displayed excellence through service, research or preservation.
Recipients will be recognized in the next issue of California Police Historian and presented with a recognition plaque during the annual collectors show in San Luis Obispo on July 12, 2014. Nominations shall be submitted by June 1, 2014.
Nominations may be made in writing to:
Gary Hoving
California Law Enforcement Historical Society
P. O. Box 475
Pismo Beach, CA 93444
Or by email: Gary Hoving
Past Police Historian of the Year Recipients
2012 Jack Jones. PhD
2011 Brad Steel
2010 John Basalto
2009 Raymond Sherrard
2008 Todd Houser
2007 David DeSoucy
2006 Keith Bushey
2005 Mike Lynch
2004 Gary Hoving
Police Museum at the California State Fair
The California State Fair will again recognize members of the Armed Forces and First Responders on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. On this day, members of the Armed Forces, active and veteran and First Responders, including firefighters, sworn law enforcement, and paramedics will receive FREE admission to the State Fair with valid identification. Free entrance applies to those individuals in or out of uniform with proper identification but does not include family members or guest.
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is proud to participate in the Armed Forces and First Responder’s Day and will have our Police Museum on display at the State Fair on July 17th.
This event is a great opportunity to see the Museum and take in the California State Fair. Additional information about the California State Fair may be obtained at: (6/14/2013)
Police Attendance at Morro Bay Show
The California Police Museum was on exhibition Satyrday, April 20, 2013, in Morro Bay. During the 5 hour display, 595 visitors came through the museum. Russ Snow and Gary Hoving served as docents for the days event under beautiful weather conditions. A newly release Atascadero State Hospital Police subdued S.O.R.T. patch was donated to the museum which will be added to society collection.
California Police Museum at the Morro Bay Show
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society’s Police Museum will be on display at the 3rd Annual Emergency Vehicle Show in Morro Bay. The show is Saturday, April 20, 2013, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, at Main St and Morro Bay Blvd. The show is sponsored by the Morro Bay Neighborhood Watch and the City of Morro Bay.
This is the third time the Society has participated in the Morro Bay Show. It is a great opportunity to see the Museum as well as Police, Fire, Medical, Military and Special Service vehicles. (4/7/2013)
Stolen Badge and ID
While on vacation in Paris, France on March 21, 2013, CLEHS member Phil Colonnelli had his flat badge and I.D., in a black basket weave two-fold case, stolen. The badge is pictured below. Any info regarding the theft or recovery, please contact Phil at
Please forward this alert to European collectors or web sites, your help is requested. (3/30/2013)
Annual Meeting, Collector’s Show, California State Fair
July will be a busy month for the Historical Society, listed below are some of the events planned, hope you can attend.
Annual Corporate Meeting, Friday, July 13, 2012, Nipomo
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society will hold its annual corporate meeting at the Nipomo home of Gary Hoving on Friday, July 13, 2012, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. All members are invited to attend.
Right after the meeting, Gary will hold a pre-collector show reception from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Please contact Gary by phone, 805-473-1507 or email for address and directions to his home.
Collector’s Show, Saturday, July 14, 2012, San Luis Obispo
The 10th Annual California Law Enforcement Historical Society Police Memorabilia Collector’s Show will be held at the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Memorial Hall on Saturday, July 14, 2012, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Veteran’s Hall is located at 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA.
All sixty tables have been reserved by collectors from San Diego, Sacramento and many points between. Awards will be given for the best displays with San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson making the presentation. With any luck, the Sheriff will be bringing his newly appointed Deputy, Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk). Another Star, and regular to the show, will be Mark Hall-Patton from the hit series “Pawn Stars.”
All are welcome to attend, admission is $5 and children are always free. Please contact Gary by phone, 805-473-1507 or email with any questions.
California State Fair, Thursday, July 19, 2012, Sacramento
The California State Fair will once again recognize members of the Armed Forces and First Responders on Thursday, July 19, 2012. On this day, members of the Armed Forces, active and veteran, and First Responders, including firefighters, sworn law enforcement, and paramedics will receive FREE admission to the State Fair with valid identification.
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is proud to participate in the Armed Forces and First Responder’s Day and will have our Police Museum on display at the State Fair on July 19th.
Additional information about the California State Fair may be obtained at:
San Luis Obispo Police Memorabilia Show – July 14, 2012
The annual San Luis Obispo Police Memorabilia Show will be held on July 14, 2012, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 801 Grand Avenue. All sixty tables have been reserved by collectors from San Diego, Sacramento and many points between.
Awards will be given for the best displays with Sheriff Ian Parkinson making the presentation. With any luck, the Sheriff will be bringing his newly appointed Deputy, Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk). Another Star, and regular to the show, will be Mark Hall-Patton from the hit series “Pawn Stars.”
All are welcome to attend with a door admission of only $5 and children are always free. Additional information is available from Gary Hoving at 805-473-1507. (6/24/2012)
Museum at Sheriff’s Family Day
The California Police Museum was on exhibition, Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the annual San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Family Day at the Ranch. The Family Day event is sponsored by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Council, which provided the majority of funding for the development of the California Police Museum. Additional information about the Advisory Council may be obtained at their web site:
Serving as museum docents for this event were Russ Snow and Gary Hoving. Over 600 visitors went through the Museum; here are some photos of a few visitors and guests. (9/28/2011)
National Show Summary
The 2011 National Police Collector’s Show was held on July 15 – 17, 2011, at the Ontario, California Convention Center. The show was sponsored by the California Law Enforcement Historical Society (CLEHS) and marked the return of the National to California where it all began in 1984.
There were a total of 251 display tables and over 700 attendees for the 2 ½ day event. There were lots of things to do and see. Attendees were able to tour the CLEHS Museum and view restored police vehicles, numerous badge and patch displays, and historic law enforcement memorabilia. Also, a specially arranged tour of the nearby Sun Badge Company was of great interest for those attending.
On Saturday, Erick Hopley, Chief, Ontario Police Department, presented seven awards:
Best Badge – Andy Thompson for his display of badges, patches and historic items from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.
Best Patch – Stu Finkelstein for his display of rare and obsolete California patches.
Best Educational – Gary Teragawa for his display of California Highway Patrol and California State Police badges and patches.
Best Historical – Mike McCarthy for his display of San Francisco Police, Fire, and Sheriff badges, uniforms and photos.
Route 66 – Phil Colonnelli for his display of International traffic patches.
President’s – Ed Godfrey for his display of badges, patches, uniforms and hats from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.
Best of Show – Tom and Kathie Leonard for their display of Fish and Game badges and patches from across the country.
Congratulations to all the winners above for sharing their excellent and extensive collections preserving the history of law enforcement. Their hard work benefits all those interested in law enforcement history by keeping it alive through these collections.
Photos of the 2011 National Police Collector’s Show are available on the Society’s web site, click on Photo Gallery and then 2011 National Police Collector’s Show.
On behalf of the Historical Society Board of Directors, I would like to thank everyone for their attendance and support of the 2011 National Police Collector’s Show. (7/21/2011)
National Show Hours
The hours for the National Police Collectors Show on July 16 & 17 will be from 9-5 on Saturday and 9-4 on Sunday. Pre-registered exhibitors only will be allowed into the Convention Center on Friday for set-up. No one that is not a pre-registered exhibitor will be allowed access on Friday due to security and safety concerns.
Sun Badge Tour Reservations Closed
Due to an overwhelming response by the show attendees, the Sun Badge tour has reached its maximum capacity. We will no longer accept additional reservations and apologize if this creates a problem. As a reminder, there is no formal transportation to the facility and those with vehicles are asked to transport those without. Our goal was to provide an interesting experience at a minimal cost. To make that happen, we need your help and team spirit to meet the transportation needs. Initial inquiries into a charter bus service would have resulted in a $20 charge per person which seemed unreasonable. Thank you in advance for your assistance. (7/3/2011)
Annual Meeting/2011 National Police Collector’s Show Reception
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 5:30 pm at the home of Keith Bushey, 595 E. Sierra Madre Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702. All members are invited to attend.
The Society will also host a reception for the 2011 National Police Collector’s Show on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 6:00 pm in the Presidential Suite of the Double Tree Hotel. The suite is located in the South/West corner of the hotel complex.
The reception is free and open to all show table holders, assistants and members of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society. Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please join us for this pre-show event. (6/26/2011)

100 California Patches to be raffled
Raffle Prizes
A number of items will be raffled during the National Police Collectors Show in Ontario, California. Included in the bounty is a collection of 100 California patches, 100 non-California patches, federal badges, books of interest to collectors, a $200 flashlight, a portable DVD player, Macy’s gift cards, steak house gift cards and a hand quilted collector blanket. With around 25 items received so far, we are could still use more donations to make the raffle even better. Funds from the auction will be used to ensure that all show expenses are met and then to enhance the California Police Museum.
National Show Update
There had been some confusion generated by the format of the previous table holder and assistants list. That has been corrected by sorting alphabetically using the first name. Also, to clarify with the table holders; their desired table locations were noted at the bottom of the reservation confirmation letter. That is NOT an indicator of where they will actually be assigned. With slightly over 40 wall tables available and well over one hundred requests for wall spaces, few of the requests will be honored. However, once we start with the actual table assignments, it is our intent to meet as many of the requests as possibly starting with the earliest paid reservations and working in the order of receipt. The reservation count currently stands at 234 tables. Everything seems to be on track for an enjoyable show for exhibitors and the public.
Al Mize, Al Vandesteeg, Analia Castillo, Andrew Thompson, Art Pegg, Arthur Conteras, Ben Roberson, Bill & Jan Hedges, Bill Selonek, Bill Swank, Bob & Sue Bombiadi, Bob Britt, Bob Kallas, Bob Kivinaki,Bob Mohr, Bob Murray, Bob Smith, Brad & Carol Darling,Brandon Millet,Brett & Michelle Bingham, Brian & Karen Smith, Calvin & Diana Chow, Carl Frank, Carmen Gonzales, Carrie Gordon, Charles Harness, Charles Molnar, Charlie Jones, Clark Secrest, Colin Mills, Dan Gurule, Dan Harness, Dan Lewis, Darrell Klasey, Darrin & Kris Smiley, Darryl & Marla Lindsay, Dave Bosson, David Brown, David S. Hume, David Schulberg, David Urso, David Weakley, Dean LaGreca, Dennis & Margaret Daniels, Dennis Houser, Dennis Shell, Dennis Smith, Dick Bise, Don Boyarski, Don DeDiemar, Don Driftmiere, Don Magruder, Doug Brimmer, Doug Gist, Doug Runyoun, Ed & Jenny Zitek, Ed Gingras, Ed Godfrey, Entenmann-Rovin Co, Eric Handley, Fonzo Castillo, Frank Banuelos, Frank Selvaggio, Frank Sirotnak, Fred Yorsch, Garvin Arrell, Gary & Betty Owens,Gary Eisenbeisz, Gary & Crystal Hoving, Gary Teragawa, Gene Gianuzzi, George Buck, George Feliciano, Gerry Skinner, Gonzo Gonzales, Greg Gilstrap, Greg Martin, Guy Forberger, Harry Shugart, Isaac Wells, James & Joan Hall, James & Linda Burton, James Casey, James Claflin, James Clark, Jamie Davies,Janet Klasey, Jarrod Nunes, Jason Sapp, Jeff Huss, Jeff Millet, Jeff Tuttle, Jim & Wilma McMillian, Jim Baerg, Jim Bolander, Jim Fightmaster, Jim Lindsey, Jim Pecora, Jim Signorelli, Joe Fortunato, Joe Leggett, Joel Ruden, John & Barbara Lawson, John Jaggers, John Korompilas, John W. Cook, Josh Goldmark, Kacia Kirk, Kassidy Aviles, Kathie Strong, Katie Roberts, Keith Bushey, Ken Lucas, Kent McCord (Tentative), Kevin Corr, Kevin Sosna, LaVelle Froboese, Lee Hutcheson, Lee Hutchings, Leonard J. Hanham, Leonard R. Hanham, Long Beach Police Historical Society, Los Angeles Police Historical Society, Mark Pyne, Martin Cassidy, Matthew Giles, Max Schad, Michael & Dottie Bailey, Mike & Terry Gwaltney, Michael Bondarenko, Michael Harness, Michael McDowell, Michael Morgan, Mike & Carmel Fejka, Mike & Christina Lucas, Mike & Kathy DeVilbiss, Mike & Laurie McCarthy, Mike & Martha Halasi, Mike & Sue Keller, Mike Lynch, Mike Napoliello, Mort Ward, Nick Kanaya, Nick Leary, Norm Sorenson, Ontario Police Museum, Pat & Carol Lynch, Pete & Sharon Arellano, Peter Harris, Phil & Kim Colonnelli, Phil Lind, R.C. Yoshioka, Rachel Canning, Randy & Sharon Keenan, Randy Adams, Randy Grago, Ray Hoving, Raymond Sherrard, Ricardo Malaga, Richard Magyer, Richard Navarez, Robert & Christine Beath, Robert & Christy Shockey, Robert & Kara Tanaka, Robert Dryer, Ron Dalbey, Ron Nomura, Roxanne Staff, Russ & Pam Cross, Russell & Kathleen Davis, San Bernardino Sheriff Historical Society, Sarah Smith, Scott Boren, Skip & Mary Skinner, Stan Berry, Stephen Case-Pall, Stephen Petro, Steve Ferrell, Steve Martin, Steve Mizroch, Steve Nibarger, Steven Didway, Stu Finkelstein, Thomas & Kathy Leonard, Tod Ruse, Todd Shulman, Tom Andrews, Tom Beckman, Tony Aleria, Tracy & Kristin Styles, Trevor Thompson, Vinny Harness, Wes & Rose Maroney, Wes Seyller, Will Berry, William C. Brown, William Herald, William Tully, Woodrow Perkins,
Revised: June 29, 2011
Silver State National Peace Officers Museum
We are well into the season at the museum and the collector show, vehicle show, and Police Week Parade are behind us. I want to say thank you to all of you who have participated in our events and made them a success this year.
We are well into the season at the museum and the collector show, vehicle show, and Police Week Parade are behind us. I want to say thank you to all of you who have participated in our events and made them a success this year.
The Ron Donoho Memorial Best of Show Award was presented to Mike McCarthy for his exceptional display on SFPD. Best Badge went to Gary Hoving while Best Historical was awarded to Gary Teragawa. Local collector Roy Semmens took the Best Patch Award home.
From the Restored Vehicle Show, awards went out to the following participants. Best of Show was awarded to Chris Hagen for his 1973 Dodge Monterey County Sheriff’s car. Best Fire Apparatus went to Richard and Susan Lund of Sparks for their 1923 Dodge Chemical Wagon and Mark Butterfield of Elko won Best Law Enforcement Vehicle for his 1963 Ford Mayberry tribute car. There were other very worthy vehicles as well and we thank the owners for participating.
The Police Memorial Week Parade and Restored Emergency Vehicle Show has been moved up by one week for 2012 and will take place on Saturday, May 5th. This has been done so that law enforcement agencies from throughout the southern part of Nevada can participate as they are already in town for the memorial ceremonies that week each year. We will not hold the collector show in 2012.
Thanks again for all of your support and I look forward to seeing you again at the museum.
Doug Gist
Silver State National Peace Officers Museum
National Show Display Awards
The National Police Collectors show in Ontario, California will feature an display competition. Awards will be presented to a variety of categories including the best patch display, best badge display, best educational, best historical, President’s choice, Route 66 (traffic related) and the best of show. Judges will be selected by the show coordinators for the challenging task of selecting the award recipients. An awards presentation will be held on the stage inside the main show hall at 2 PM on Saturday, July 16, 2011. We are honored that Erick Hopley, the Ontario Chief of Police will be on hand to present the awards. (6/1/2011)
Summer Edition of the California Police Historian Released
The California Police Historian was delivered to the post office yesterday for all members of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society. Contained in this issue are the latest National Police Collectors Show updates, show calender, historic articles and the revelation of the California Police Historian of the Year. (5-27-2011)
St. Louis to Bid for National Show in 2012
The St. Louis group that held the 2010 National Police Collectors Show will be making a presentation again this year to host the 2012 National Police Collectors Show. We have obtained the same facility we used in 2010 at the St. Charles Convention Center next to the Embassy Suites. The dates that the center will be available are June 29, 30 and July 1. We received many complements on our last show and are hoping we will be able to provide another great show here in the Midwest. The show hosts will be; Don Magruder, Frank Selvaggio and Bob Shocky. (5/26/2011)
Cleveland Unable to Host National Show for 2012
The National Police Collectors Show will not be held in Cleveland next year, for 2012. According to breaking news from the event coordinators, the difficulties in confirming appropriate accomodations and show location led to the decision to discontinue the bid to host the National. Cleveland representatives refused to sanction anything less than a stellar event and chose not to settle for substandard facilities. While many of us will be disappointed, we certainly understand and appreciate the hard work required to host such a large event.
The field is now open for potential hosts to bid for the event during the 2011 National Show in Ontario, California. Any group that is interested should make their intentions known and prepare for a presentation on July 16, 2011, at 5:00 PM in Ontario. As is the tradition, table holders will vote to select the upcoming years location during the National show. (May 15, 2011)
National Show Update
As of May 15, 2011, reservations have been accepted for 206 tables at the National Police Collectors Show in Ontario, California. All, but a few, have confirmed their reservations with payment and requests are continuing to arrive. The available discounted hotel rooms has been expanded with over 60 reservations made. Of the 206 tables reserved, 225 tables holders and assistants are registered. Included in the reservations are the following collectors and assistants:
Table holders and assistants:
John Lawson, Frank Sirotnak, Gary Hoving, Scott Boran, Raymond Sherrard, Tod Ruse, Russell Davis, Mike DeVilbiss, Clark Secrest, Phil Colonnelli, Brian Smith, James Hall, David Urso, Jim Casey, Steve Mizroch, Garvin Arrell, Jarrod Nunes, Mike Lynch, Darrell Klasey, Janet Klasey, Wes Maroney, Rose Maroney, Keith Bushey, Kevin Corr, Jim Bolander, Robert Beath, Skip Skinner, Mort Ward, Charles Molnar, David S. Hume, William Herald, Harry Shugart, R.C. Yoshioka, Stan Berry, Dennis Shell, Darrin Smiley, Dennis Houser, Bill Hedges, Jim Baerg, Thomas Leonard, Al Mize, Dennis Daniels, David Weakley, Max Schad, David Schulberg, Don Boyarski, Randy Keenan, Mike Fejka, Tom Andrews, Trevor Thompson, James Burton, Stu Finkelstein, Stephen Petro, Mike Lucus, Todd Shulman, Colin Mills, David DeSoucy, Daryl Lindsay, Pete Arellano, Michael Gwaltney, Richard Magyer, Robert Tanaka, Ricardo Malaga, Michael Morgan, Michael Bondarenko, Don Magruder, Martin Cassidy, Gary Eisenbeisz, Gary Teragawa, Doug Gist, Art Sinai, Guy Forberger, Greg Gilstrap, Bob Murray, Phil Lind, Nick Kanaya, Bob Bombiadi, Tracey Styles, James Clafin, Ken Lucus, Stephen Case-Pall, Brett Bingham, Michael Bailey, Leonard J. Hanham, Leonard R. Hanham, Jim Linsey, Dan Harness, John W. Cook, Michael McDowell, Mike McCarthy, Gonzo Gonzales, Andrew Nelson, Ed Zitek, Calvin Chow, Norm Sorenson, John Kasinas, Don Tenny, Ron Dalbey, Dick Bise, Christina Sinai, Bill Swank, Randy Adams, Sue Bombiadi, Kristin Styles, Michelle Bingham, Dottie Bailey, Michael Harness, Charles Harness, Charlie Jones, Wes Seyller, Kevin Sosna, Bob Smith, Nancy Nelson, Jenny Zitek, Diana Chow, Tom Beckman, Josh Goldmark, Joel Shell, Kris Smiley, Kathy Leonard, Bob Mohr, Joel Ruden, Margaret Daniels, John Jaggers, Carrie Gordon, Sharon Keenan, Carmel Fejka, Dean LaGreca, Linda Burton, Art Pegg, Christina Lucas, Dave Bosson, Will Berry, Marla Lindsay, Sharon Arellano, Terry Gwaltney, Kara Tanaka, Sarah Smith, Ed Gingras, Barbara Lawson, Crystal Hoving, Christopher Boren, Sandra Sherrard, Pam Cross, Kathy DeVilbiss, LaVelle Froboese, Kim Colonnelli, Karen Smith, Joan Hall, Jim Signorelli, Pat and Carol Lynch, Jim Pecora, Lee Hutcheson, Ben Roberts, Lee Hutchings, Carl Frank, Greg Martin, Steve Martin, Christine Beath, Mary Skinner, Dan Lewis, Steve Ferrell, Jim Fightmaster, Kent McCord, Steve Didway, Jeff Tuttle, Randy Grago, Gene Gianuzzi, George Buck, Gonzo Gonzales, Joe Leggett, Peter Harris, George Feliciano, Brad Darling, Carol Darling, Jim McMillian, Wilma McMillian, David Brown, Bill Selonek, Gerry Skinner, Woodrow Perkins, and Eric Handley. (May 15, 2011)
National Show Patch Design
A commemorative patch honoring the 2011 National Police Collectors Show has been designed and sent to the loom. Using a traditional California patch shape, the design includes the shape of California, the Historical Society patch and a star with Ontario. The above prototype is bordered in silver, but the final version will actually be in gold. Patches will be available at the show in July. Our appreciation is extended to Wes Maroney, Darrell Klasey and Janet Klasey for their design expertise in developing a unique patch for the National Show. (3/17/2011)
Spring California Police Historian Finalized
The Spring 2011 issue of the California Police Historian has been finished and delivered to the Post Office. With first class mail, it should reach each member by Saturday, 3/19/2011. Several envelopes are marked “Past Due” with an invoice located inside the envelope for the 2011 dues. This will be the final mailing for those whom have not submitted their dues. Now would be the perfect time to upgrade to a “Lifetime Member” status. (3/15/2011)
Upcoming Collectors Shows
The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Foundation will host the 3rd Annual Public Safety Collectors Show in Stockton, California on April 30, 2011. This is a new date and the venue has been returned to the Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, 2101 E. Earhart Avenue in Stockton. Additional information is available by contacting Tod Ruse at or 209-401-7441.
The Comstock Police Collectors and Vehicle Show will be held on May 14, 2011, in historic Virginia City, Nevada. This event is sponsored by the Silver State National Peace Officers Museum. Additional information is available by contacting Doug Gist at or 775-846-5948.
National Show Update
About 150 tables have confirmed reservations for the National Police Collectors Show scheduled for July 16-17, 2011, in Ontario, California. Some pending reservations exist meaning that exhibitors would like a table. However, table confirmations are not made until they are paid. Unpaid table reservations continue to have their special requirements and locations bumped by newer paid reservations. Resgistration information is available at and there is no penalty for the use of Paypal to make reservations.
All of the original discounted hotel rooms had sold quickly. The society has expanded the block of rooms available to show exhibitors and attendees. However, once the final rooms have been sold, the discount will no longer be honored. It is HIGHLY recommended that anyone interested make their hotel reservations as soon as possible to enjoy the greatly discounted rate. As an added bonus, the DoubleTree has now added free WiFi connections to all rooms reserved through our event which is a $12 daily value.
The show is shaping up well and a high attendance is expected. (3/8/2011)
Raffle Prizes Sought
The California Law Enforcement Historical Society is seeking new gifts of interest to our members for use during the raffle held at the National Police Collectors Show in July 2011. Suggested gifts could include nearly any electronic device, flashlights, duty bags, travel gear, display items, apparel and patches for a drop box. All items should be new and in presentable condition. Donations are considered a tax deduction as this is a fundraiser for the society which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. While new items are sought, there is plenty of room for antique law enforcement memorabilia as well. Please ensure that no ownership conflicts could arise on any donation and avoid items that can not be transported on an airplane. The CLEHS has been issued a raffle license through the California Department of Justice. Direct all inquiries to Gary Hoving at (3/8/2011)
National Show Update
As of this writing (1-31-2011) the National Police Collectors Show in Ontario, California is shaping up to be a fantastic event. We currently have 123 tables sold, with seven months to go. Table holders from around the world have made reservation including Arizona, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, Washington D.C, and Australia.
All of our initially available discounted rooms had been reserved. Fortunately, we were able to add more rooms at the extremely low rate, but they are limited and prompt reservations are strongly encouraged.
A free reception will be held on Friday, July 15, 2011, in the executive suite of the host hotel. This event is open to all table holders, their assistants and members of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.
Several historic police vehicles will be on display in the lobby of the event provided by the Long Beach Police Historical Society, the Los Angeles Police Historical Society, Tony Aleria (CHP) and tentatively, the Napa Police Department.
After hours activities are still under development and will be posted on our web site as the information becomes available. Potential activities include a tour of a local badge manufacturing plant, excursion to the California Speedway and shopping at one of the nearby mega malls which includes a Bass Pro shop.
Table reservations are expected to pick up as we head closer to the show. To guarantee participation, early reservations are suggested. Reservations may be made at and there is no added service fee for using PayPal.
Make your reservations today to ensure that you will not miss out on all of the fun and excitement of the National Police Collectors Show in California. (1-31-2011)
National Show Table Reservations Update
The National Police Collectors Show table reservations are progressing at a brisk pace. To date, 91 tableshave been reserved for the Southern California event scheduled for July 2011. There are just a few of the reservations that have yet to pre-pay. As a reminder, all special requests and seating locations will be honored in the order that payment is received. Reservations can be made through the link at
Table holders include: John Lawson, Frank Sirotnak, Gary , Scott Boren, Tod Ruse, Raymond Sherrard, Russell Davis, Todd Houser, Michael DeVilbiss, Clark Secrest, Phil Colonnelli, Brian Smith, James Hall, David Urso, James Casey, Stephen Mizroch, Ben Roberson, Jarrod Nunes, Mike Lynch, Darrell Klasey, Wes Maroney, Keith Bushey, Kevin Corr, James Bolander, Robert Beath, Skip Skinner, Mort Ward, Charles Molnar, David Hume, William Herald, Harry Shugart, R.C. Yoshioka, Dennis Shell, Andrew Nelson, Gary Teragawa, Dennis Daniels, Ed Zitek, Calvin Chow, Mike Fejka, Bill Hedges, Norm Sorenson, Bob Fricke, James Burton, Darrin Smiley Stan Berry and Richard Magyar. (11-4-2010)
ational Police Collectors Show Badge
A Collectable badge for the 2011 National Police Collectors Show is now available from The Ed Jones Company. Badges are available by direct purchase in a variety options including standard, sterling silver, gold filled and even hand-engraved. The stunning badge takes on a classic northern California style in a plain seven point star shape. These badges are available to CLEHS members and National Show table holders as a collectable keepsake only. Please go to for additional information. (10-25-2010)
Record Museum Attendance at Cal State Fair
The California Police Museum was on exhibition Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at the California State Fair in Sacramento. During the one-day special event honoring emergency first responders, the museum attracted 1088 visitors setting a new daily record. The hot summer day brought visitors from throughout the region.
Serving as museum docents for the event were Brian Smith, Mike DeVilbiss, Russ Snow and Gary Hoving. Many thousands of questions were answered and membership brochures were widely distributed. A result of first responder day honored all emergency services by free admission to the fair. Many of those families were drawn to the museum with scores of positive comments. The most popular items on display are the Thompson machine gun and the visitor operated emergency lights.
Based on the success of the exhibition, the six hundred mile round trip for the trailer and 15+ hour exhibition day was well worth effort in meeting our mission. (7/22/2010)
Maywood-Cudahy Police End of Watch
After 6 years of service the police force officially disbanded on June 30th 2010. Here is their final radio transmission from the Police Department . Los Angeles County Sheriff have taken over the cities law enforcement duties. (7/22/2010)
Artifact Donations Received
During the San Luis Obispo Police Memorabilia Show, the California Law Enforcement Historical Society received two significant artifact donations. Dr. Steve Mizrochdonated a 1930’s era catalog from the Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Company. The catalog is filled with illustration of the many styles and shapes of badges offered by the firm which was the largest California producer of badges. This piece is an invaluable research document and the generosity of the donor is greatly appreciated.
The second donation was a long sought Alpine County Undersheriff badge donated by Gary Teragawa. This rare piece is from one of the smallest counties in the state and was the last remaining badge to complete the museum’s 58 county set. It has already been placed in the museum and will be proudly displayed as we travel to Sacramento for the California State Fair. Our appreciation is extended to gary Teragawa for his thoughtfulness. (7/16/2010)
Badge Featured in American Cowboy Magazine
A San Luis Obispo County Undersheriff badge from 1906 is featured in the February/ March issue of the American Cowboy magazine. The short article illustrates a badge from the collection of Gary Hoving, who contributed to the piece. Between the interviews and emails relating to the story, some of the facts regarding the piece were lost, but still glad to see a historic badge in publication,stated Hoving. Of course, the California Law Enforcement Historical Society is named in the magazine which is currenly available at newstands. (3-1-2010)